POLICE in Chile did lie about their murder of teenager Manuel Gutiérrez Reinoso, it has been confirmed.
Reports AFP: "Chile's police chief resigned after coming under pressure over the high-profile shooting death of a teenage protester that has fueled social unrest in the Andean nation.
"General Eduardo Gordon's position as general director of the carabineros became untenable when the government asked him to respond to a report that he had intervened to protect his son from charges related to a car accident.
"The death last week of 16-year-old Manuel Gutierrez further inflamed social tensions in Chile, where the government has faced a wave of student and union protests that culminated last week in a 48-hour general strike.
"Gutierrez was shot dead during clashes between police and protesters in southern Santiago, as violence erupted around the country.
"Miguel Millacura, the officer who allegedly fired the shots that killed the teenager, has been charged and is behind bars.
"Eight others force members have been dismissed over the incident, including a high-ranking police general who forcefully denied the day after the shooting that any officer had fired a shot."
As The Vast Minority said in our report on August 28: "It's the same all over the world - cops will lie through their teeth to avoid paying the consequences of their state-endorsed thuggery."