THOUSANDS of protesters are aiming to blockade the Greek Prime Minister on Saturday September 10 when he gives his annual talk in the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair, outlining his fiscal policy for the year ahead.
From the Greek Streets reports: "A huge range of demonstrations has been called in response, and Papandreou has already been forced to withdraw from one of the talks and to move his own talk at a more isolated, safe building.
"At least 6,000 police have been deployed in the city, and they have already started their intimidating tactics, threatening to raid the Libertatia anarchist squat.
"Demonstrations for Saturday will include those by the square movement (an attempt to blockade the expo); taxi drivers; the mainstream trade unions (GSEE, ADEDY); the stalinist union (PAME); football fans (protesting the relegation of a local team on financial grounds) and of course, anarchists."
The indignants of Thessalonki issued the following call for action: "In the recent months from the Middle East to Europe millions of people claimed the squares and streets to bring the rotten political system that dominate our lives to an end.
"Furthermore, in our country, the government and the troika, dispelling any notion of democracy, they are selling off the entire society: From land and public wealth to labour, democracy and rights, leading to reductions in salaries and pensions and to a dramatic increase in unemployment, bringing more poverty and social misery.
"On May 25 we had enough with this situation and took all the squares of the country. The indignation became a decision to take our lives into our hands. In unprecedented popular assemblies, involving people with different opinions but common concerns we try to formulate our own responses to the fake dilemma ‘bankruptcy or Memoranda'. Continuing the search for true democracy in the squares we require:
"The government of the Memorandum and the Troika to get out!
"Cancellation of the debt. We do not owe, we do not sell, we do not pay!
"True Democracy Now!
"These who were and are in public office to be held accountable for the waste of money, the kickbacks and mismanagement!
"In early September the Prime Minister and the rest political personnel who has led us to the brink will appear as if nothing is wrong in the Thessaloniki International Fair to participate in this bad-taste and over-repeated political catwalk.
"The indignants of the White Tower urge citizens to reserve for all of them the reception they deserve, with one single phrase: You are not welcome here!"
Updates on the situation on Saturday will be posted on From The Greek Streets and Contra Info.