Monday, 19 March 2012
Tensions rise in US spring of resistance
TENSION is already rising in the USA ahead of massive protests planned against the the NATO and G8 Summits from May 15 to 22.
With dissent on the rise, authorities fear a significant outburst of anger against the neoliberal showcase events.
They have moved the G8 meeting from Chicago to Camp David in Maryland and have been cranking up the machineries of repression.
Occupy protests, no matter how peaceful, are now being routinely attacked by police, including the Occupy Wall Street anniversary demo in New York.
Said a statement on the OWS site on March 18: "Yesterday, on the 6-month anniversary of the original Occupation of Wall Street, #OWS went back to our origins.
"After a weekend of marches on Wall Street complete with spring training exercises, a St. Patrick´s Day march, street theater, floating tents, and dancing in the intersections, Liberty Square was re-occupied by thousands of Occupy supporters.
"Unfortunately, bringing back memories of November 15th, NYPD violently evicted us from our home once again while Occupiers were hugging old friends and celebrating the coming of spring in the park.
"According to the New York Times, 'scores' were arrested, and more injured, during the attack. Police used city buses to corral mass-arrested protesters. Media were not allowed to cover the events.
"After clearing the Square, NYPD placed barricades around the area - an act specifically barred by previous legal action. At least one person was taken to the hospital on a stretcher. We have also heard reports of seizures and broken bones.
"On Livestream, peaceful protesters are seen being tackled, punched, stomped, choked, hit with batons, and thrown against cars for no reason other than sitting down to peacefully protest inequality in a public park."
Despite the plutofascist clamp-down, OWS declares: "We will not let police repression stop us!"
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More rioting erupts in Canada
MORE rioting has broken out in Canada - this time in London, Ontario.
A TV van was set on fire and later exploded (see video) as around 1,000 young people torched vehicles and threw beer bottles.
It was the worst case of civil disobedience the city has ever seen, said London Police Chief Brad Duncan, according to 680 News.
The violence grew near the city's Fanshawe College and began with St Patrick Day celebrations.
The scenes of exuberant destruction follow the riots in Montreal last week amid a rise of youth militancy in Québec.
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Saturday, 17 March 2012
Happy kids in anti-police riot
MONTREAL anarchists are euphoric after an anti-police protest achieved spectacular impact.
Said a statement on Anarchist News Dot Org: "We flipped over a policecar on rue Sainte-Catherine. Prole stroll.
"Everyone was like WHOO! and happy kids were dancing on the chassis, happy cuz they were right to be happy. Banks got their windows broken. Fancy stores too.
"A lot of garbage got pulled into the streets, and pylons, and heavy signs. You know, the usual. But it's the moments when the pigs backed off cuz they were scared! It's the moments when you get away with political crimes in totalitarian Canada!
"It's the moments when the pig cruiser is flipped over and you're highfiving strangers becuz you're happy and they're happy and this is a moment to cherish. Prole stroll!
"LE 15 MARS, LA VENGEANCE. We could've done better, but we did what we did, and this was the one day when the pacifists weren't out in force and the people who get harassed by the police on a daily basis were letting loose and we got to share some knowing looks with some of the kids we haven't seen since this time last year. This was our day, our night. Prole stroll!
"Some comrades are in jail. Many people, perhaps not yet aware of the fact that we live in a surveillance society, did things that perhaps they should not have done with their faces unconcealed.
"What happens next is hard to say. Maybe the pacifists who got beaten with police batons when they sat in front of cops will have learned their lesson by now! And maybe anarchists can figure out a way to be half as badass as some of the people who were on the streets tonight.
"The city is begging the province for more help with the security crisis: student demos everyday with more to come, and now this, the biggest March 15 in years, prole stroll like we ain't seen outside of a hockey riot, what is sure to be a big embarassment to North America's crowd control experts.
"THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO DO. Onward to March 22, onward to May Day, onward to the continental general strike and the infinite strike! Until neither the SPVM nor any other police agency nor any other institution of domination exist, our work isn't done.
"And to the kids who looted Future Shop and got some PS3s, MAD RESPECT. We GET what we can TAKE."
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Friday, 16 March 2012
St Louis occupiers attacked by cops
OCCUPY protesters in St Louis, USA, have been attacked by police as the neoliberal clampdown on dissent continues.
This weekend sees the Occupy The Midwest Regional Conference take place in the Missouri city.
But it started with St. Louis Police beating peaceful protesters with batons and arresting several at an encampment for conference participants.
Arrests of Occupiers from Occupy Oklahoma and St. Louis have been confirmed, says a report from Occupy Wisconsin.
Police refused to give protesters their badge numbers and were indiscriminately arresting and beating protesters who were simply exercising their 'First Amendment Rights'.
By 4am on Friday there were 14 occupiers in jail. One was said to be having seizures in prisonl. At least two had been brutality beaten by police.
It was also confirmed that batons, tasers and pepper spray had been used on the occupiers.
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Anarchists smash up fascist HQ
ANTI-FASCISTS in Greece smashed up the offices of a notorious extreme right-wing group on Thursday March 15.
Reports Contra Info: "Shortly after 13.00, a large group of anarchists and antifascists stormed the local offices of the neo-Nazi party Chrissi Avgi/Golden Dawn, located on Germanou Street, in the centre of the city of Patras.
"The fascist nest, which had been inaugurated just on Monday, March 12th, was completely smashed.
"Also, antifascist slogans were painted on most walls of the building which was provided for the neo-Nazi thugs, while their hatred material was set ablaze and dumped on the street. The comrades left the spot in a demo."
Golden Dawn are known for their brutal attacks on immigrants and for teaming up with riot police to attack protesters - yet more fascists finding common cause with neoliberalism as the two twisted ideologies merge.
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Revolt kicking off in Chile
CHILE'S youth rebellion against neoliberalism has kicked off again, after a summer holiday truce.
Thousands of students and school children took to the streets of Santiago to protest against the privatisation of education.
The authorities said their dissent was 'unauthorised' and used tear gas and water cannon to attack the youngsters.
More demonstrations are planned across the country in the weeks ahead.
Meanwhile, revolt continues in the Chilean region of Aysen, where the social movement has blockaded streets.
Reports Prensa Latina: "Social leaders, parliamentarians and inhabitants of the region of Aysen denounced on Thursday an excessive police repression in last few hours against people in this area of Patagonia.
"The Police 'is attacking innocent people with tear gas inside their houses, people that have nothing to do with the protests and barricades', noted Senator of the National Renewal Party Antonio Horvath.
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Wednesday, 14 March 2012
US veterans back cover-up claim - video
AMERICAN army veterans have backed claims of a cover-up over the latest massacre of civilians in Afghanistan.
Corporate media have obediently stuck to the official US damage-limitation line that one 'rogue' sergeant carried out the murders of 16 people, including 9 children, totally ignoring eye-witness reports of a group of drunken laughing Americans.
But the Veterans Today site draws attention to a series of inconsistencies in this account, including the fact that a vehicle would have been needed to transport the jerrycan of petrol needed for the reported burning of the victims' bodies.
Senior editor Gordon Duff talks in this video about a 'patsy' taking the blame for what happened and of the US bribing people to keep quiet about the truth.
And he writes on the website that "we can safely assume" the following points.
* More than one American was involved as no single soldier would have been allowed outside the compound, heavily armed with a vehicle.
* Gate security received authorization for the “mission” from the watch officer at the “Combat Operations Center” at the base, the 24 hour nerve center than coordinates both offensive and defensive missions for even the smallest commands.
* No “reaction force” was sent to investigate though this was right outside the gates. Radio contact would have been attempted, and there would be recorded records of this and all other activities, as required by normal procedures.
Adds one user of the site: "I saw this story first thing this morning as one of the lead stories on my homepage. I spent much of the day looking for additional 'facts'...and of course found none. I believe your assesment is as close to the truth as I, or anyone else will likely encounter.
"There is an 'ill and atrocious wind blowing' around this 'incident'. The propaganda machine is already running at full speed. Sad and demoralizing beyond words."
Says another: "I’ve been out with several…..shit, maybe a hundred Iraq/Afghan vets drinking and also shooting out in the hills of Colorado. Mostly marines, a few Army rangers, 2 Seals and the bravest of the brave….medics.
"Boil them down after a few weeks of talking, they all say the same things. The same things my good buddy tells me his Nam buddies all told him – 'it became addicting, god help me?'.
"I tend to agree with your assesment however, this happened on purpose. The group supported SF troops and it wouldn’t suprise me if another group was outside the wire conducting 'phoenix' type operations. Same thing with the timing of Iraqi atrocities when we felt we weren’t needed as much and were leaving amidst ‘success’. First reports were a Seal or two, then a nobody, well fed with Psychotics and other scrip meds."
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Tuesday, 13 March 2012
General strike called in Spain as anger grows
SPANISH people are gearing up for a massive fight against neoliberal dictatorship.
Huge protests were held across the country at the weekend and a national strike has been called for Thursday March 29.
Meanwhile Bilbao was last week the latest city in the Spanish state where anger against 'austerity' and the theft of people's rights has erupted onto the streets.
Anti-capitalist protesters backing the strike call started fires in the streets of the Basque city and smashed the windows of a bank.
The Spanish people are next in line to be crushed by the gold-plated jackboots of the global plutofascist elite.
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Monday, 12 March 2012
Azawad rebels seize key town
DESERT rebels have seized control of an important town in their battle against American-backed repression.
The National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad has declared victory in Tessalit, a Saharan town now liberated from the control of the Malian state.
A statement put out by the rebels explained that, as well as being famous for its camel festival, Tessalit boasts key strategic importance, plus an airstrip, and will be a crucial asset in the fight to capture the main regional centre of Kidal.
The MNLA have also condemned the USA for providing assistance to the state of Mali in trying to put down the desert peoples' bid for freeedom.
They pointed out that this month American planes (see photo) had been seen flying in provisions and weapons to Malian troops in the Amachach military camp near Tessalit, after the African state had failed to do so.
They said the USA had chosen to support the oppressor state and called on it to remain neutral with regard to the conflict.
Mossa Ag Attaher, spokesman for the MNLA, told French newspaper Le Monde earlier this year that the aim of the struggle was to liberate Azawad from Malian colonialism.
He explained that Azawad consisted of three regions currently part of Mali - Timbuktu, Gao and Kidal.
The MNLA was fighting for the aspirations of the Touareg people and also those of the Songhai, Peuls and Moors.
They had a right to choose their own form of government, to self-determination and, if they so desired, to independence, he said.
The MNLA is the result of a fusion between the Mouvement National de l'Azawad (MNA), a group of young intellectuals and political activists, and the guerrillas of the former Alliance Touareg Niger Mali (ATNM).
These elements have now been joined by groups of former Touareg rebels who fled Mali in the 1990s to join the Libyan army and returned to Azawad, with plenty of weaponry, during the NATO war on the Gaddafi regime.
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Update - 'lone' soldier line is a lie
THE AMERICAN claim that only one 'rogue' soldier was behind the massacre in Afghanistan on Sunday is being described as a lie.
The line that a sole deranged individual carried out the murder of 16 civilians, including children, has been repeated by global media and seemingly accepted as true.
Obviously, this version of the story is less damaging to the reputation of the US's army of occupation.
But eye witness reports spoke of a group of American soldiers who were laughing and appeared drunk.
And AP reported on Monday morning: "Afghans are expressing growing skepticism that a shooting rampage that killed 16 civilians was carried out by a single US soldier.
"Abdul Rahum Ayubi, who is a lawmaker from Kandahar province where the tragedy occurred, said Monday it seemed impossible for one soldier to cover the ground between the houses that were attacked — over a mile (2 kilometers) — and also burn the dead bodies.
"Bismullah Afghanmal, a parliament member, said the reports he received from villagers indicate the shooting before dawn Sunday came from several directions."
Bacha Agha of Balandi village told AP: "One man can't kill so many people. There must have been many people involved.
"If the government says this is just one person's act we will not accept it. ... After killing those people they also burned the bodies."
In a statement, Afghan President Hamid Karzai left open the possibility of more than one shooter.
He initially spoke of a single US gunman, then referred to "American forces" entering houses. The statement quoted a 15-year-old survivor named Rafiullah, who was shot in the leg, as telling Karzai in a phone call that 'soldiers' broke into his house, woke up his family and began shooting them.
"This is an assassination, an intentional killing of innocent civilians and cannot be forgiven," Karzai said.
The original news report from Reuters, later modified to include the official US account, said: "Witnesses told Reuters they saw a group of US soldiers arrive at their village in Kandahar's Panjwayi district at around 2am, enter homes and open fire."
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The line that a sole deranged individual carried out the murder of 16 civilians, including children, has been repeated by global media and seemingly accepted as true.
Obviously, this version of the story is less damaging to the reputation of the US's army of occupation.
But eye witness reports spoke of a group of American soldiers who were laughing and appeared drunk.
And AP reported on Monday morning: "Afghans are expressing growing skepticism that a shooting rampage that killed 16 civilians was carried out by a single US soldier.
"Abdul Rahum Ayubi, who is a lawmaker from Kandahar province where the tragedy occurred, said Monday it seemed impossible for one soldier to cover the ground between the houses that were attacked — over a mile (2 kilometers) — and also burn the dead bodies.
"Bismullah Afghanmal, a parliament member, said the reports he received from villagers indicate the shooting before dawn Sunday came from several directions."
Bacha Agha of Balandi village told AP: "One man can't kill so many people. There must have been many people involved.
"If the government says this is just one person's act we will not accept it. ... After killing those people they also burned the bodies."
In a statement, Afghan President Hamid Karzai left open the possibility of more than one shooter.
He initially spoke of a single US gunman, then referred to "American forces" entering houses. The statement quoted a 15-year-old survivor named Rafiullah, who was shot in the leg, as telling Karzai in a phone call that 'soldiers' broke into his house, woke up his family and began shooting them.
"This is an assassination, an intentional killing of innocent civilians and cannot be forgiven," Karzai said.
The original news report from Reuters, later modified to include the official US account, said: "Witnesses told Reuters they saw a group of US soldiers arrive at their village in Kandahar's Panjwayi district at around 2am, enter homes and open fire."
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Sunday, 11 March 2012
'Laughing' US troops murder children
THE MURDEROUS reality of neoliberal imperialism was further exposed to the world on Sunday, with news of a massacre of innocent civilians in Afghanistan.
Western forces shot dead 16 civilians including nine children in southern Kandahar province on Sunday, in a rampage that witnesses said was carried out by American soldiers who were laughing and appeared drunk, reports Reuters.
"One Afghan father who said his children were killed in the shooting spree accused soldiers of later burning the bodies, " said the agency.
"Witnesses told Reuters they saw a group of US soldiers arrive at their village in Kandahar's Panjwayi district at around 2am, enter homes and open fire."
The US embassy in Kabul was reported as saying one American soldier had been detained over the shooting. It added that anti-US reprisals were possible following the killings, which come just weeks after US soldiers burned copies of the Koran at a NATO base, triggering widespread anti-Western protests.
Reuters later modified parts of its story to reflect the official US line that only one 'rogue' soldier was involved, while retaining the witnesses' accounts.
But AP reported on Monday morning: "Afghans are expressing growing skepticism that a shooting rampage that killed 16 civilians was carried out by a single US soldier.
"Abdul Rahum Ayubi, who is a lawmaker from Kandahar province where the tragedy occurred, said Monday it seemed impossible for one soldier to cover the ground between the houses that were attacked — over a mile (2 kilometers) — and also burn the dead bodies.
"Bismullah Afghanmal, a parliament member, said the reports he received from villagers indicate the shooting before dawn Sunday came from several directions."
As the USA's allies, Israel, continue to murder Palestinians in Gaza, the hypocrisy of the neoliberal/plutofascist claim to the global moral high ground has never looked so utterly exposed.
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Thursday, 8 March 2012
Québec rebels defy police brutality
YOUNG rebels in Québec are coming under vicious attack from Canadian cops.
But anger and defiance are rising as a big day approaches - a demonstration against police brutality in Montreal on Thursday March 15.
Contra Info explains that a vast strike movement is shaking colleges and universities in the traditionally rebellious French-speaking province.
This general strike movement has set itself, as an immediate objective, the cancellation of the recent 25% tuition fees rise implemented by the neoliberal government of Québec.
"The movement is now 125,000 striking students strong and many strike votes will be held in the coming weeks by student assemblies.
"Many massive street demos gathering thousands of people, as well as blockade actions have been organized, triggering more and more police repression."
On March 7, the repressive violence went up a notch, as almost 1,000 people were blockading a downtown building in Montréal, hosting the offices of the public lotteries and the Conference of University Rectors.
About 200 people had gained entrance to the building, blocking access to the elevators, as the others occupied the doorways and the adjacent streets, raising barricade out of metal railings in order to block off busy Sherbrooke Street and to use as protection against police assaults.
Riot cops attacked the crowd, hitting the protesters with clubs and shields, soaking them with pepper spray and throwing many “stun grenades”.
One of these devices, that produce a deafening bang as well as projecting fragments and pepper gas, seriously injured a student protester, who received splinters in the right eye and has been taken to the hospital.
As of March 8, he was being operated on for retinal detachment and he might lose the use of his eye. Apparently, the riot police deliberately delayed the ambulance call. Three other protesters were also injured during the assault.
On the same night (March 7th), at about 9pm, a group of about 300 people gathered at the Berri Square, in response to the police attack, and took to the streets, shouting “Cops, Pigs, Murderers!”.
Reaching the administrative headquarters of the municipal police, some tried to smash the glass doors of the entrance with metal crowd barriers, before being chased through the streets by police.
Thursday's protest, and others planned for later in the month, seems more relevant than ever.
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Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Anonymous hacktivists hit back
HACKTIVISTS have hit back against repression by the global plutofascist system.
Anonymous defaced web pages of the leading internet security firm Panda Security.
The business is thought to have helped the FBI by infiltrating chatrooms and message boards.
The promo page, Panda Security’s “Cybercrime Files”, was given a long statement accusing the security company of “working with Law Enforcement to lurk and snitch on anonymous activists”.
Hacktivists may have been behind a two-hour downing of Facebook in the UK and also hacked into the Vatican website.
Robert Harris, a member of the UK Pirate Party, told RT hacking groups like Anonymous and LulzSec are movements that have “resorted to direct action,” and prosecuting their members is only going to make things worse.
“I think prosecuting and locking them up will not actually cause any significant damage,” he said. “It is only going to make things worse and encourage more people to join the group.”
On Tuesday top members of the infamous computer-hacking group LulzSec were arrested by the FBI and charged with conspiracy after it emerged a prominent member - Hector Xavier Monsegur, known in LulzSec circles as Sabu - was working for the authorities.
Following the arrests Anonymous posted on its Twitter feed: “LulzSec was a group, but Anonymous is a movement. Groups come and go, ideas remain.”
Meanwhile, some security suggestions for hacktivists have been published here.
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Tuesday, 6 March 2012
Soundtrack to the US uprising
A SOUNDTRACK to the Occupy uprising in the USA has been compiled on the internet.
The #OWS Songs playlist on YouTube consists of 49 songs and runs to more than four hours.
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Monday, 5 March 2012
This is a war against the people
"THIS is a war against the people, entire the entire community" warns a powerful message from a doctor in the front line of the resistance to neoliberal dictatorship.
It adds that the current 'austerity' measures are part of carefully designed plan is to reduce the bulk of the population to the level of slaves to the corrupt elite.
Leta Zotaki is director of the radiological unit of the Hospital of Kilkis in Greece, which has been occupied by its workers since February 20.
The open letter to the people of Greece and the world declares: "This occupation does not merely concern us, the doctors and the workers at the Hospital of Kilkis. Nor does it only take place in response to the greek National Health System, which is indeed collapsing.
"We are undertaking this struggle because what is under threat today is human rights. And this threat is not even made against one nation, or a bunch of countries, or social groups: it is a threat made against the lower and middle classes in Europe, America, Asia, Africa; across the entire world.
"Greece’s today is the tomorrow of Portugal, Spain, Italy and the rest of the countries around the world.
"This is a war against the people, entire the entire community. Those who claim that the public debt of Greece is a debt of the Greek people are lying. It is not a debt owned by the people. It was amassed by the governments, in cooperation with the banks, with the aim of the enslavement of the people.
"The loans toward Greece are not used to pay wages, pensions or public healthcare. The exact opposite is happening: wages, pensions and healthcare cuts are used to pay the bankers.
"They are lying. In opposition to what they are declaring, they do not wish to see a society free of debt. They are creating debt themselves (with the aid of corrupt governments and politicians) for their own benefit.
"They gave a banker to Greece for prime minister, to ensure that the 'job' will be executed correctly. Our prime minister Loukas Papadimos has not even been elected. He was appointed by the ECB and the bankers, with the aid of European and Greek corrupt politicians. This is their own interpretation of the word ‘democracy’.
"Debt is caused by bankers, who create money out of thin air and receive interest, merely because the governments gave them the right to do so. And they continue to say that those who are called to pay the debt are you, and me, and our children and grandchildren; with personal and national wealth, with our lives.
"We owe them nothing. To the contrary, they owe to the people a large part of their wealth, which they amassed thanks to political corruption.
"If we do not open our eyes to this truth, we shall soon all turn into slaves, and we will be working for 200 euros or less per month. Those of us, that is, who would be able to find a job.
"Without healthcare, with no pensions, homeless and hungry, just like it’s already happening with my fellow inhabitants in Greece. Thousands of these live in the streets and are going hungry.
"We do not have any intention to paint any gloomy picture; this is the truth. The current situation has not been caused by a financial or monetary accident or error.
"It is the beginning of the ugly stage of a long procedure following a carefully designed plan, a procedure that started decades ago.
"We must fight together against this neoliberal plan. And this is what we are doing here, in Kilkis, this is what people are doing in many, many cities around the world."
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Sunday, 4 March 2012
Occupy Nottingham refusing to go
OCCUPY protesters in the English city of Nottingham are defying attempts to make them move.
Says a report on Nottingham Indymedia: "A week ago, the council served a notice on the Occupy Nottingham camp, that unless they move by the 5th March, council will start proceedings. The camp says it won't be moving."
The occupiers state that they "have collectively decided so far, not to move from the Market Square, and through civil disobedience and lawful rebellion we will stay, and prevent intimidation tactics being used on those involved with Occupy".
Observers are saying the potential political ramifications for the council of pursuing eviction are serious and they need "to have a good long think about whether it really wants bailiffs charging in at such a high profile public spot."
The Occupy Nottingham website is at and its Twitter feed here.
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Anti-capitalists to target Frankfurt in May
INTERNATIONAL protesters are to converge for three days of action in Frankfurt , home of the European Central Bank.
The European Resistance website said that folowing an Action Conference attended by 400 people, there would be protests from May 17th to 19th "against the crisis dictatorship of the European Union".
The statement reads: "We resist the disaster that is applied to Greece and other countries, against the impoverishment and denial of rights of millions of people and the practical abolition of democratic procedures resulting from the decisions of the Troika consisting of ECB, EU and IMF.
"The days of protest in Frankfurt directly succeed to the International Action Day on May 12th and the anniversary of the first assembly in Madrid on May 15th.
"We are therefore sending a visible sign of solidarity to those people in Europe who have been and are resisting against the debtocracy of the Troika and the attacks on their livelihood and their future.
"Simultaneously, protests are being organised in the US against the G8 Summit in Chicago.
"The choice of Frankfurt for the protests results from the role that the city has as headquarters of the European Central Bank (ECB) and of powerful German and international banks and corporations.
"On May 17, we will occupy parks and main squares of the city to create spaces for discussion and exchange.
"On May 18, we will block the running business of banks in Frankfurt and turn our anger about the Troika's policies into action.
"We will gather for a large demonstration on May 19 and visualise the broad base of the protests. From many countries and regions of the world people will travel to Frankfurt and participate in the days of protest.
"The success of the protests requires a mobilisation that is actively supported by as many as possible: the Occupy movement, the initiatives of unemployed and the crisis alliances, trade unionists, Attac, the environmental and peace movement, migrants', youth and students' organisations, anti-racist, anti-fascist and left groups, activists of various local struggles and the Left Party.
"The period of mobilisation includes the European action day on March 31st and international Mayday, as well as collective bargaining struggles in Germany that have our solidarity."
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Thursday, 1 March 2012
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