BANKS' cash machines are being targeted by anti-capitalist saboteurs in Greece.
Said a statement reproduced by the Angry News from Around the World blog: " In the early hours of Wednesday 5th of May we decided to inaugurate the 24hour general strike by putting out of use 71 ATMs in many areas of Thessaloniki (Euosmos, centre, Touba, Ambelokipoi, Pylaia, Kalamaria, Sukies).
"This action is just another small piece of the puzzle that is a part of the substantial oppossition to the calmness that exists in the functioning of society.
" An action against the obvious section of the otherwise invisible, procedure of money circulation. An action that is easy for everyone to do (a little bit of quick dry glue and a few cards is enough to sabotage a few of these machines).
"In a society such as this one, in which relationships are described in consumerist terms, we try every moment to oppose the normality that is defined in our lives by the State, replacing in this way the logic of abuse with the release of our destructive feelings.
"We chose to act on this day to show that for strikes to be an authentic threat to the state, a basic criteria is the interruption of production and with that, of consumtion, this way normality is blocked and the chance is given to everyone in the street to organize their resistance to those who stole their lives.
"Because of the assimilation of the strikes and their transformation into another democratic right, this threat has turned into nothing more than a simple - and this only apparently- happy break from everyday life."