THOUSANDS of leftist Israelis have taken to the streets of Tel Aviv to protest against their government's brutality.
Says a report on Indymedia: "Finally the wind of change is starting to blow in Israel. On Saturday evening 15.000 Israelis took to the streets of Tel Aviv to march against their right wing government. With a population of only a 5,5 million this is very good turnout.
"The rally's manifesto read: 'It's time to return to sanity and save our society from ruin. Without a solution of two states for two peoples and two capitals in Jerusalem, the whole region's future is in doubt.'
"The coalition of left wing parties and peace organisations attacked the government over the IDF´s brutal and lethal attack on the Free-Gaza Flotilla. Young and old protesters held placards, accusing Barak and Netanyahu 'The government is sinking all of us – we must aspire for peace', 'Israel, Palestine, two states for two people' and 'We love the country but are ashamed of the government'.
There were also clashes between the protesters and Israeli fascists. Reported Ynet News: "Following the leftist rally, dozens of rightists marched along Ibn Gvirol Street, one of Tel Aviv's major thoroughfares, shouting at coffee shop goers: "Stinking Tel Avivians, get out of your bubble…While IDF soldiers are subjected to a lynching you remain indifferent – you're traitors."
"Several physical clashes were reported between protestors and residents. Some coffee shop goers responded to the rightist activists, telling them to "go to hell" and referring to them as far-rightists who should "go back to the hole they crawled out of'."