EMERGENCY demonstrations were called in at least fourteen Greek cities last night, after the atrocious attack by Israeli commandos on the Free Gaza ships, reports From The Greek Streets.
In Athens, the Greek government, otherwise “quick to condemn” the attacks, had no hesitation in preempting an attack on those who gathered outside the Israeli embassy in Athens.
Riot police guarding the embassy, according to eye-witnesses, were in full gear and fully masked up before the demonstration had started: the attack on the demonstration that followed was planned.
Most of the Greek activists who were on board have landed in Athens this morning. Michalis Grigoropoulos, a sailor on the ship “Free Mediterranean” stated the following at Athens airport:
“You know, of course, that we had a pirate attack against us. What I want to tell you, is that comrades from our Incentive have been tortured. I refused to sign any document and was deported against my will. I was put in isolation.
"I denounce the Zionist state for yet another crime against humanity. We saw from afar the onslaught by the commandos of the Zionist army on the Turkish ship of the Freedom Flotilla.
"I denounce the Greek government, which left the Greek ships and the Greek citizens unprotected. A huge popular movement must now be formed, which will demand the release of all hostages and the return of our ships. Solidarity to the Palestinian People must grow. Palestinian Resistance must win, and it shall win.
Meanwhile, in his blog The Cutting Edge, author Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed writes: "Many of those activists being shot at while they slept, didn't wake up."Many of those that did wake up, woke up bleeding and wounded. Many tried to defend themselves in whatever way they could, obviously terrorising their commando-attacks even more, unleashing further bloodshed.
"Under Netanyahu, the IDF has become increasingly unhinged. Utterly incapable of grasping that its war crimes and crimes against humanity can no longer simply be dressed up as a fight against terrorists, when terror itself is a primary instrument of statecraft.
"Completely incapable of self-reflection or self-critique. Pathetically incapable of putting to rest the 'final solution' of the knee-jerk trigger-finger. It is a sign of things to come."