THOUSANDS marched through the streets of Thessaloniki in protest against neoliberal austerity measures being imposed by PM George Papandreou.
Reports From The Greek Streets: "Two big demonstrations took place tonight in Thessaloniki under the rain.
"More than 20,000 people totally marched to Velidio Conference Center according to the police, while the PM was giving his talk.
"Minor clashes took place in front of the building, where the cops used chemical gas against the demonstrators in order to push them back from the gate.
"Papandreou in his talk announced lighter Businesses’ profit taxation (from 24% to 20%), privatization of the National Railways and privatization of the State Electricity Company and of other public companies.
"Earlier in the noon, a demonstrator threw a shoe to the PM in front of the International Exhibition’s Center.
"A couple of hours later, the president of Athens’ Industrial and Commercial Association (EVEA), named K. Michalos, was attacked by demonstrators on his way to meet the PM in Macedonia Palace Hotel.
"Michalos is notorious from his regular media appearances, where he defends passionately the governmental austerity measures. Riot police intervened and saved him.
"More than 4,000 cops are in Thessaloniki in order to police the ministers and the rest of their followers who are visiting the city."