A DAY celebrating the conqeust of America by Europeans has attracted protests across the USA.
The Boston Globe reports, for instance, reports: "Instead of the daring adventurer who opened the New World, critics say, Columbus opened the way to the enslavement and death of millions of indigenous people in the Americas."
It quotes protester Alex Papali, an organizer with Resist the Raids, an advocacy network that is critical of immigration enforcement.
He tells the paper: "We are taught to honor this man, Columbus, who represents the worst of humanity. We are doing the right thing by standing against 500 years of mind control."
RT reports ReconsiderColumbusDay.org as declaring: "For way too long, Columbus created heinous crimes against the indigenous populations of the Caribbean and millions of Natives throughout the Americas. And Columbus set the stage for the slave trade in the New World."
It describes protests at Arizona State University, San Juan Capistrano, California and Boise State University in Idaho, where protesters thanked Columbus "for humiliation, extermination, indoctrination".